Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Results day after. That is all that my mind has been thinking of for the last Oh, so many hours, ever since I came to know of this fact, at least. And for every minute that I was not thinking of the upcoming doom, my mum was asking if I was under any sort of strain…. Sad, very sad and those who have gone through this torture will fully empathise.!

I was glad that the CBSE people had at least given out the date, now the asking and worrying relatives and friends (more worried than even I was!) could get their answer… the only problem was that I was getting tired of repeating the date 29 to each and every one of them. If my mum, dad or sister told them, it was just unacceptable; they had to hear it from my mouth. Most of the relatives were those to whom I hadn’t spoken in years and many I didn’t know at all… I really appreciated their wishes, prayers and blessings but it was an ordeal nonetheless. If this was the way they were going to treat the announcement for the date of the results, I wondered what they would do on D-day!! The good thing was that I had tuition for 4 hours that evening…! Who ever heard of being saved by tuitions?!! It was ironical! But I doubted that I would be saved by them either, in fact, due to the competitive nature of all these institutions, I would probably just be crushed by the number of 98 and 99 percenters. Disheartening and very very scary, it actually made me feel kinda insecure but who was I to say anything to anybody, so I kept my mouth shut. 2 more days of immense torture followed by 1 day of even more pain; then there would be some kind of calm or at least some kind of pseudo peace… It would probably make me more relaxed also, right now I was like a taut string, and anyone who dared to pull would get back a snap. My sibling and parents were avoiding me like the plague. It was sad. Now I knew how a leper would feel. Or maybe not (but kehne me kya jata hai?!!)

Why these tenth board results are important, I never understood. You get nothing from them except if you want to change your school, which I for one do not wish to do. It was totally unfair that for the sake of a few unsatisfied students (who would become unhappier still after the change) such a huge epidemic should cloud our days. We are in the age of innocence (don’t you dare) and we deserve to run around and play (if you….. death…bare hands…neck…). It makes me sad to see the suicide cases and the druggies and so on. They are not making a healthy world or a better world, they are making things worse. It’s disgusting. Children deserve to their lives back, their childhood back and all this cut-throat competition is just going to kill them. I personally feel they should be let free...

What a rant… look from where to where I’ve reached. Started from results and reached the innocence and childhood of children… ‘tis funny…’tis very very funny!!
Anyway All The Best to those who are expecting their results, my self included!!!
Don’t get yourself bitten by rabid dogs (I’ve heard hydrophobia is a bad thing!) stay away from moths and I have personally never liked touching cats, so stay away from them too!!! xD xD Enjoy!!


Mahi said...

hey! hope ur results wer great!

Radhika Saxena said...

You've been tagged! :)
go to my blog,Read mine..copy the questions and re write the answers! i get to know you better! :D